Where will the land for the Green Communes come from?

Where will the land for the Green Communes come from
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As the impacts of climate change intensify, so does the urgency for proactive and innovative solutions. One such solution gaining traction is the concept of Green Communes, an amalgamation of climate action, de-urbanization strategy, and sustainable community development. With the dual purpose of addressing climate-induced displacement and offering alternatives to unsustainable urban sprawl, Green Communes represent a transformative approach to land use and community resilience.


Addressing Climate Displacement

Climate change is no longer a distant threat; it’s a present reality, with sea-level rise and extreme weather events displacing communities at an alarming rate. The Philippines, with its extensive coastline and vulnerability to typhoons, is particularly susceptible to climate-induced displacement. Recognizing this, the imperative arises for proactive measures to accommodate and support displaced populations.

Green Communes emerge as a holistic response to this challenge. By creating self-sustaining, eco-friendly communities away from vulnerable coastal areas and disaster-prone regions, Green Communes offer a refuge for climate refugees. These communities, built on principles of sustainability and resilience, provide a safe haven for those forced to relocate due to the worsening impacts of climate change.


De-Urbanization and Sustainable Development


Simultaneously, Green Communes serve as a catalyst for de-urbanization, countering the unsustainable trends of urban sprawl and overdevelopment. Rapid urbanization often leads to environmental degradation, resource depletion, and social inequalities. By offering viable alternatives to traditional city living, Green Communes promote a more balanced and sustainable approach to community development.

The concept is not about abandoning cities altogether but rather about decentralizing population centers and redistributing resources in a way that prioritizes environmental conservation and social equity. By integrating nature-based solutions and green infrastructure, Green Communes harmonize human settlements with the natural environment, creating healthier and more resilient communities.

Securing Land for Green Communes

Central to the realization of Green Communes is the question of land acquisition. Where will the land for these sustainable communities come from? The answer lies in a combination of available stewardship contracts, tenurial instruments, and collaborative partnerships.

Public lands present a significant opportunity for Green Communes. Through various forms of stewardship contracts, including homestead agreements, these lands can be repurposed for community-led sustainable development. While data on the exact hectarage of available public lands varies, government agencies can play a crucial role in identifying and allocating suitable sites for Green Communes.

Similarly, privately owned lands offer potential for Green Commune development. Long-term usufruct agreements provide a legal framework for securing these lands for sustainable use. By incentivizing landowners to contribute to climate adaptation and mitigation efforts, such agreements promote private sector engagement in the transition towards greener, more resilient communities.

In areas within the ancestral domains of indigenous peoples, such as the Bangsamoro and Cordillera communities, respect for indigenous rights and customary land tenure is paramount. Any initiatives to establish Green Communes must adhere to principles of Free, Prior, and Informed Consent (FPIC), ensuring that indigenous communities have a voice in the decision-making process. Integrating Green Commune development plans into existing Ancestral Domain Sustainable Development and Protection Plans (ADSDPP) fosters collaboration and mutual benefit.


Other Tenurial Instruments

In addition to homestead agreements and usufruct arrangements, Philippine laws offer various tenurial instruments that can facilitate land acquisition for Green Communes. Community-based forest management agreements, community land trusts, and socialized housing programs provide alternative pathways for securing land for sustainable development.

Community-based forest management agreements empower local communities to manage and protect forest resources, aligning with the principles of Green Communes. By recognizing community stewardship of natural resources, these agreements promote environmental conservation and community resilience.

Similarly, community land trusts offer a model for collective land ownership and management, ensuring that land remains in the hands of the community for long-term sustainability. By pooling resources and sharing decision-making authority, communities can establish and maintain Green Communes that reflect their values and priorities.

Socialized housing programs provide an avenue for inclusive and equitable access to housing and land, addressing the needs of low-income and marginalized populations. By incorporating green building standards and sustainable design principles, these programs contribute to the creation of environmentally friendly and affordable housing options within Green Communes.


The establishment of Green Communes represents a multifaceted approach to addressing the challenges of climate change, urbanization, and social inequality. By providing refuge for climate refugees, promoting sustainable development, and respecting indigenous rights, Green Communes offer a blueprint for resilient and inclusive communities.

Securing land for Green Communes requires a collaborative effort involving government agencies, private landowners, indigenous communities, and civil society organizations. Through innovative tenurial instruments and inclusive decision-making processes, we can unlock the potential of public and private lands to build a greener, more sustainable future for all.


In the face of climate uncertainty, Green Communes stand as beacons of hope, demonstrating that a more harmonious relationship between humans and the environment is not only possible but essential for our survival and well-being.

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