Rudy Guiliani launches bizarre coffee brand as he grapples with crippling bankruptcy

Rudy Guiliani launches bizarre coffee brand as he grapples with crippling bankruptcy
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Rudy Giuliani is continuing his journey from New York mayor to Trump lawyer to criminal defendant and now to coffee salesman as he grapples with bankruptcy and a debt of $148m.


Mr Giuliani launched his next attempt to get money from Trump supporters on Tuesday with a video from TV doctor Maria Ryan.

“I’m really looking at to improve my health. I do know coffee has health benefits, but not in those little plastic things that are already ground – hurts my stomach,” she says in the video. “So I was looking for products that had non-GMO, really organic bean farms, and I couldn’t find any, so Rudy Giuliani and I collaborated and we have coming to your home soon.”

The website hocking the coffee says deliveries will ship in June.


“I’ve moved at a fast pace, and have had many different roles in life, but the one constant thing has been a good cup of coffee, which is now proven to have health benefits,” a quote attributed to Mr Giuliani states on the site. “Please enjoy my delicious fresh roasted specialty coffee. It’s quality you can trust.”


While former President Donald Trump has chosen to sell sneakers and bibles to cover his legal fees, his former lawyer has three coffees for you to choose from: “bold,” “morning,” and decaf. The bags come in at two pounds each and can be purchased for $29.99.

The domain registrar lookup tool Whoxy reveals that the coffee site was registered on 26 March, The New Republic noted.


Two days later, he told a judge that he’s unable to sell his $3.5m condo because he needs it for podcasting, one of his other dubious income streams to tackle his massive debt.

Mr Giuliani appears to have come full circle since January, when he appeared on Real America’s Voice behind the counter of a cafe serving coffee.

“God forbid we lose. This is what I might be doing,” he said at the time.

This comes after the judge in charge of his bankruptcy case said he was “disturbed” that so little progress had been achieved in terms of sorting out Mr Giualini’s finances. On Tuesday, the judge refused to remove a barrier, blocking the 2008 presidential candidate from appealing a $148m defamation judgment against him.

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