Consultant who sterilised woman during caesarean section without saying why is suspended for 12 months

Consultant who sterilised woman during caesarean section without saying why is suspended for 12 months
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A consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist who sterilised a patient without consent during a caesarean section, and has since been unable to explain why he did it, has been suspended from the UK medical register for 12 months.


A barrister representing Olusegun Olujide at one point sought unsuccessfully to have the medical practitioners tribunal panel recuse itself from the case, alleging that its “adversarial” questioning of the Nigerian trained doctor had ignored his distress and had sought to imply that his actions were due to cultural differences arising from his race or nationality.

Olujide’s tribunal first sat last year when he made full admissions to the General Medical Council’s allegations. These stated that he had sterilised a female patient at the Royal Hampshire County Hospital in Winchester without written or oral consent, in the absence of clinical justification, using …

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