Statement of Senator Risa Hontiveros on the Atin Ito civilian mission

Statement of Senator Risa Hontiveros on the Atin Ito civilian mission
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China, keep your hands off our vessels and people.


Not one of the Atin Ito participants should be harassed or intimidated. Not one of our compatriots should fear for their safety.

It is outrageous how China is reportedly sending a huge force to block this civilian mission. Kung maka-asta ang Tsina, akala mo sa kanila ang karagatan.

China has also been propagating lies about how the Atin Ito mission is a plot concocted by the Philippine and American governments. This cannot be further from the truth.


This group of ordinary and private citizens simply wants to deliver goods to fellow Filipinos whom China has long deprived of food and livelihood. The coalition should be free to navigate within our Exclusive Economic Zone. Bilang mga Pilipino, karapatan nilang lumayag sa EEZ ng Pilipinas.


The Atin Ito civilian mission has every right to set sail for Bajo de Masinloc. This is our territory. These are our waters. This is ours and only ours.

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