Rudy Giulani’s daughter Caroline endorses Kamala: ‘Trump took my dad from me’

Rudy Giulani's daughter Caroline endorses Kamala: 'Trump took my dad from me'

Rudy Giulani’s daughter Caroline announced her endorsement for Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris in a scathing essay in which she wrote Donald Trump took away her father from her. “Please Don’t let him take our country too,” she wrote for Vanity Fair. She began her essay wondering how America is again back with the possibility of electing Donald Trump “after all the damage he has caused both in office and since”.
“As Rudy Giuliani’s daughter, I’m unfortunately well-suited to remind Americans of just how calamitous being associated with Trump can be, even for those who are convinced he’s on their side. Watching my dad’s life crumble since he joined forces with Trump has been extraordinarily painful, both on a personal level and because his demise feels linked to a dark force that threatens to once again consume America. Not to disregard individual accountability in the slightest, but it would be naive for us to ignore the fact that many of those closest to Trump have descended into catastrophic downward spirals. If we let Trump back into the driver’s seat this fall, our country will be no exception,” she wrote.
Caroline wrote she would never forget the night her father told her he was considering becoming Trump’s lawyer. “I ugly-cried for a few minutes, then spent the next three hours making my vehement case to my father that he not go down this morally perilous path,” she wrote.
“I held nothing back. I voiced all of my concerns about Trump’s open racism, rampant misogyny, and total lack of empathy. I even told my dad that I already felt ashamed of my last name whenever I saw headlines connecting him with Trump, and that this escalation would only deepen that feeling. For the rest of that night, I held onto hope that a daughter’s emotional entreaty might actually sway a father.”
Rudy Giulani, the former New York mayor, has been permanently disbarred from practicing law in Washington DC for his role in trying to overturn the 2020 presidential election in Trump’s favor.
“Take it from me, Trump destroys everything he touches. I saw it happen to my family. Don’t let it happen to yours, or to our country. Kamala Harris will guide us into a brighter future, but only if we unite behind her. On November 5th, I’ll be voting for that future. For justice, stability, and democracy. And I sincerely hope you’ll cast your ballot for Kamala Harris, too,” Caroline wrote.

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