
A Critical Boom in Technology Traced Back More Than Half a Million Years : ScienceAlert

A leap in stone tool complexity in the fossil record suggests hominin knowledge underwent a sudden increase around 600,000 years…

3 weeks ago

Florida Man’s Mystery Migraine Traced to Rare Case of Parasite in His Brain : ScienceAlert

A 52-year-old Florida man presented to hospital with complaints that his usual migraines had worsened over the past four months.On…

2 months ago

Mysterious Fossil Fragments Traced to Ancient Leviathans of The Ocean : ScienceAlert

Mysterious fragments of fossilized bone proposed to be from a creature approaching the size of a blue whale could technically…

3 months ago

Most Powerful Fast Radio Burst Ever Detected Traced to Surprise Location : ScienceAlert

Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are rapid flashes of radio waves from deep space that are as intense as they are…

6 months ago

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