
Did Dinosaurs Inspire The Legendary Griffin? Scientists Solved The Mystery : ScienceAlert

They once carried a Sun god across the sky, stood watch over golden treasures, and even protected the mighty Zeus…

5 days ago

Problem solved: Obiena getting new poles

EJ OBIENA — REUTERS PHILIPPINE Athletics Track and Field Association of the Philippines president Terry Capistrano has…

4 weeks ago

The James Webb Space Telescope may have solved a puffy planet mystery. Here’s how

A surprisingly low reservoir of methane may explain how a planet around a nearby star grew weirdly puffy, according to…

1 month ago

The Genetic Puzzle of Human Migration: Solved at Last?

Persian Plateau, the most likely place where the ancestors of all present-day non-Africans lived for the 20.000 years that followed…

3 months ago

Millennia-Old Mystery About Insects and Light at Night Solved at Last

Since humans first began using fire, we’ve wondered why insects seem to have an irresistible attraction to light. With the…

5 months ago

Suspected Chinese spy pigeon detained for eight months is FREED after riddle over ‘secret message on its foot’ is solved

A SUSPECTED spy pigeon has finally been freed after eight months in an Indian prison. The alleged operative roused suspicion…

5 months ago

Why Pilot Thinks He Solved Amelia Earhart Plane Crash Mystery

Someone may have finally landed the answer to the mystery of Amelia Earhart's fatal crash.  Former U.S. Air Force intelligence…

5 months ago

Mystery of Siberia’s giant exploding craters may finally be solved

Eight giant, 160-foot-deep (50 meters) craters in the Siberian permafrost have baffled scientists since their discovery more than a decade…

5 months ago

Mystery of Strange Holes at The Bottom of The Ocean Finally Solved : ScienceAlert

The mystery of strange pockmarks that dimple the floor of the North Sea has finally been solved.These mysterious depressions are…

6 months ago

The ‘cosmic ORCs’ mystery of odd radio circles that encompass entire galaxies may be solved

Scientists may finally have solved the mystery of cosmic ORCs, or "odd radio circles" as they are officially known, that…

6 months ago

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