
Surprise Discovery Reveals Earliest Known Ancestor of Scorpions And Spiders : ScienceAlert

A segmented little beastie that swam Earth's seas nearly half a billion years ago has now been identified as the…

1 month ago

Turtles, Mice, Scorpions May Become More Common In Major US Cities: Study

The prevalence of turtles, scorpions and mice is broadly expected to increase.Peregrine falcons perched atop towering skyscrapers. Coyotes caught on…

3 months ago

Scientists Observe Tiny Pseudoscorpion Riding on a Scorpion for the First Time

Nannowithius wahrmani phoretic on a Birulatus israelensis. Credit: S. AharonRecent research conducted by Yoram Zvik, Dr. Sharon Warburg, and Dr.…

5 months ago

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