
Alzheimer’s Risk Is Strongly Shaped by Your Mother’s Side, Study Finds : ScienceAlert

The genetic risk of developing Alzheimer's disease is more strongly influenced by the mother's side than the father's side, a…

4 days ago

Alzheimer’s risk higher if your mother had cognitive problems

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain The genetic risk of developing Alzheimer's disease is more strongly influenced by the mother's side than…

4 days ago

Multivitamins Don’t Lower Death Risk

A 20-year study of 400,000 U.S. adults found that regular multivitamin use does not lower mortality risk, challenging the effectiveness…

5 days ago

Animal study suggests a paternal fish oil supplement may lower obesity risk in offspring

Researchers found that the offspring of male mice that consumed fish oil had a lower body weight and showed better…

6 days ago

Nighttime Exposure To Bright Light May Raise Diabetes Risk

Night-time exposure to bright light increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, a recent study revealed.In a large-scale study…

7 days ago

Check out the elephants at risk of extinction, and the wild cats that are bouncing back

Over 45,000 species are now threatened with extinction — 1,000 more than last year — according to an international conservation…

1 week ago

Sitting For Long? Drinking Coffee May Help Offset Mortality Risk

Worried that a sedentary lifestyle is taking a toll on your health? Here's some news: researchers now suggest that drinking…

1 week ago

New review analyzes impact of plant-based meat alternatives on cardiovascular disease risk factors

Plant-based meat alternatives (PBMAs) have a more cardioprotective nutritional profile and have been shown to improve cardiovascular risk factors compared…

1 week ago

People With Anxiety At Double Risk Of Parkinson’s Disease: Study

Having anxiety can double the risk of developing Parkinson's disease in adults over the age of 50, a recent study…

1 week ago

Loneliness May Raise Risk Of Stroke In Older Adults

Loneliness, while often expected to take a toll on mental health, doesn't stop there - it can also have detrimental…

1 week ago

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