Quantum Mechanics

Einstein’s “Spooky Action at a Distance” Between the Heaviest Particles at the Large Hadron Collider

The ATLAS and CMS experiments have observed entanglement between top quarks and their antiparticles, confirming this phenomenon at high energies.…

2 weeks ago

Physicists Unveil Infinite Possibilities of Quantum States

A spin (blue ball with arrow) interacts with the surrounding bosons described by non-Gaussian states – a new computational method…

1 month ago

Cambridge Scientists Achieve Long-Sought Quantum State Stability in New 2D Material

Researchers at the Cavendish Laboratory have identified spin coherence in atomic defects within Hexagonal Boron Nitride (hBN) under ambient conditions,…

1 month ago

Revolutionary Qubit Technology Paves Way for Practical Quantum Computer

Researchers are advancing in quantum computing by developing qubits based on the spin of electrons and holes, with recent breakthroughs…

1 month ago

Breaking Light Speed: The Quantum Tunneling Enigma

Quantum tunneling allows particles to bypass energy barriers. A new method has been proposed to measure the time it takes…

2 months ago

Chemical Reactions Rivaling Black Holes

Scientists have discovered that molecules scramble quantum information at rates comparable to black holes, affecting chemical reactions and offering insights…

3 months ago

The New Era of Atomic Photon Control

Emission of a single photon in the Maxwell fish-eye lens. Credit: Oliver Diekmann (TU Wien)Scientists have developed “quantum ping-pong”: Using…

6 months ago

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