Quantum Computing

Powering the Quantum Internet of the Future

By Leah Burrows, Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences June 23, 2024The device uses a simple…

7 days ago

New Dimensions in Quantum Computing: Majorana Particles Go 2D

Researchers at QuTech have created Majorana particles in a two-dimensional plane by developing devices that utilize superconductors and semiconductors, allowing…

2 weeks ago

Google’s Quantum AI Challenges Long-Standing Physics Theories

Quantum simulators are now addressing complex physics problems, such as the dynamics of 1D quantum magnets and their potential similarities…

4 weeks ago

Revolutionary Qubit Technology Paves Way for Practical Quantum Computer

Researchers are advancing in quantum computing by developing qubits based on the spin of electrons and holes, with recent breakthroughs…

1 month ago

Quantum Breakthrough As MIT Achieves Unprecedented Atomic Proximity

MIT physicists developed a technique to arrange atoms (represented as spheres with arrows) in much closer proximity than previously possible,…

2 months ago

How Satellites Could Extend Quantum Encryption Globally

Current internet data encryption relies on mathematical algorithms vulnerable to quantum computing, but a new method based on quantum cryptography…

2 months ago

Scientists Unveil Groundbreaking Optical Quantum Detection

Paderborn University researchers have developed a new method for analyzing optical quantum states with homodyne detection, significantly advancing quantum computing…

2 months ago

Chemical Reactions Rivaling Black Holes

Scientists have discovered that molecules scramble quantum information at rates comparable to black holes, affecting chemical reactions and offering insights…

3 months ago

Quantum Computing Recharged With Electromagnetic Ion Trap Innovation

The experimental setup of the ETH researchers. The trap chip is located inside the container underneath the silver cupola, in…

3 months ago

Quantum Computing Unleashed: Magnons Redefine Computational Boundaries

Researchers at HZDR managed to generate wave-like excitations in a magnetic disk – so-called magnons – to specifically manipulate atomic-sized…

3 months ago

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