Putin’s Cuba stunt threatens to escalate as ex-KGB agent warns of ‘accidental launch’ | World | News

A former KGB agent has warned Vladimir Putin's latest intimidation stunt near Cuba could potentially escalate into open conflict in…

3 weeks ago

Kim Jong Un hails Russia ties amid Putin’s planned visit

SEOUL, South Korea — North Korean leader Kim Jong Un hailed the country’s expanding relationship with Russia on Wednesday, as…

3 weeks ago

Putin’s secret daughters BOTH appear at crunch forum ‘to cement positions in Russia’s elite after despot dad’s death’

VLADIMIR Putin’s secret daughters have made a very rare public appearance with some speculating it could be part of a…

4 weeks ago

Ukraine-Russia war live news: Zelensky accuses China of sabotaging peace summit as Putin’s forces ‘take Donetsk village’

Putin will be made to pay to rebuild Ukraine, says US secretary of stateFor free real time breaking news alerts…

1 month ago

Army general issues chilling warning about UK’s ability to fight Putin’s Russia | World | News

The British army is too small and weak to be able to fight Russia, according to a senior European army…

1 month ago

PUTINS KRIEG: “In der Ukraine ist Russland besiegbar!” So stehen Moskaus Chancen!

PUTINS KRIEG: "In der Ukraine ist Russland besiegbar!" So stehen Moskaus Chancen! Bei russischem Beschuss auf den Stadtrand von Charkiw…

2 months ago

PUTINS KRIEG: Mit ATACMS – Ukraine greift Krim und russisches Kernland an! “Das Ganze hat System!”

PUTINS KRIEG: Mit ATACMS - Ukraine greift Krim und russisches Kernland an! "Das Ganze hat System!" Russland will eigenen Angaben…

2 months ago

Ukraine’s second largest city Kharkiv is ‘under missile attack’, says mayor as Putin’s forces advance in new offensive

KHARKIV has been hit with a missile barrage after Vladimir Putin launched a hellish new onslaught in the Ukrainian city…

2 months ago

Putin’s pincer plan to seize Donbas in WEEKS: How march on Kharkiv is ‘feint to capture prized region once and for all’

VLADIMIR Putin is plotting to seize the Donbas region in just weeks as he distracts Kyiv's forces on the northern…

2 months ago

Russia Ukraine war live: Kyiv repositions troops in Kharkiv amid ‘intense’ bombardment from Putin’s forces

Putin sends message to West as he is sworn in for fifth term as Russian presidentFor free real time breaking…

2 months ago

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