
Re-energized Biden comes out swinging after dreadful Trump debate | Joe Biden News

President Joe Biden says he ‘fully intends’ to win the November election at a fiery campaign rally in North Carolina,…

8 hours ago

With questions swirling about his future, Trudeau largely stays on message in speech to donors

In his first address to party faithful since Monday's byelection loss, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau acknowledged the defeat but didn't…

1 day ago

Budget surplus now expected to double to $18.2bn this year, Australian government says | Australian politics

The Albanese government says it is on track to record a surplus for the current fiscal year twice as large…

1 day ago

France’s far-right leader Le Pen questions Macron’s role as army chief | Politics News

Marine Le Pen said it is the PM, not the president, who ‘pulls the strings’ when it comes to military…

1 day ago

Sajjan says he relayed information on rescuing Sikhs in Afghanistan during chaotic fall of Kabul

Then-defence minister Harjit Sajjan relayed information to the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) about how to rescue Sikhs in Afghanistan while…

1 day ago

Marcos on Dutertes’ plans: It’s a free country

“IT'S a free country. They're allowed to do whatever they want.”This was President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.'s response to Vice President…

2 days ago

‘Axis of impunity’: Putin-Kim deal underlines new challenges to world order | Politics News

Shortly after signing a new comprehensive strategic partnership between their two countries, Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader…

3 days ago

PRRD, 2 ka mga anak magpapili sa Senado

Kanhi Presidente Rodrigo Duterte ug iyang mga anak nga sila si Paolo ug Sebastian pulos magpapili alang sa senatorial position…

3 days ago

Rammya Mathew: We need braver politics for better health

Rammya Mathew, GPLondonrammya.mathew{at}nhs.netFollow Rammya on X @RammyaMathewIn the run-up to every election, the NHS is front and centre of political…

4 days ago

Australia politics live: Labor senator Fatima Payman crosses floor to support Greens’ Palestine motion | Australian politics

Labor senator crosses floor to support Greens’ Palestine motionSarah Basford CanalesThe Senate is now voting on whether Australia should recognise…

4 days ago

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