
Quakes on Mars Reveal Red Planet Is Constantly Bombarded by Meteorites : ScienceAlert

For some planets, the meteorite bombardment just never stops.New analysis of data collected by a seismometer on Mars has revealed…

3 days ago

How long would it take to reach Planet 9, if we ever find it?

Some experts believe that we could be just a few years away from discovering the elusive "Planet Nine" — or…

7 days ago

Planet Nine: Is the search for this elusive world nearly over?

Deep in the outer reaches of the solar system — so far away from the known planets that the sun…

1 week ago

NASA’s Planet Hunter’s Rare Glimpse at Two Black Holes in a Faraway Galaxy

The black holes in orbit around each other. Both black holes have jets associated with them: the larger one with…

1 week ago

Mars meteorites reveal clues about what lies within the Red Planet

One day, we'll bring samples home from Mars — but, until then, we have to make do with what we've…

3 weeks ago

Solar storm douses Mars in radiation as auroras flicker in the Red Planet sky (video)

The solar storms that gave rise to the hugely impressive auroras seen around the world on May 10 also gave…

3 weeks ago

Can a diet that’s good for the planet reduce your risk of dying from disease?

A diet promoting plant-based protein to help the environment now has a more human argument: It may lower your risk…

3 weeks ago

‘Weird’ New Planet Defies Expectations

Artist’s concept of TIC365102760 b, nicknamed Phoenix for its ability to survive a red giant star’s intense radiation from up…

3 weeks ago

William Anders, Apollo 8 astronaut who took Earthrise photo, killed in plane crash

Retired major-general William Anders, the former Apollo 8 astronaut who took the iconic Earthrise photo showing the planet as a shadowed…

3 weeks ago

The ‘hole’ on Mars making headlines could be crucial to Red Planet exploration

A mysterious pit on the flank of an ancient volcano on Mars has generated excitement recently because of what it…

3 weeks ago

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