
Contract of guaranty does not automatically fall under obligations that redound to benefit of family

Dear PAO, During our marriage, my husband acted as a guarantor for Dindo's debt. After the untimely death of my…

4 days ago

Finder in theft is not limited to actual finder but includes finder in law

Dear PAO,My cousin found a bundle of money and showed it to me. We cannot ascertain the real owner of…

6 days ago

Proof of possession is not limited to tax declaration

Dear PAO, My father intends to apply for the registration of the land which he bought from Jose. He wants…

2 weeks ago

‘Mother Teresa could not… ‘: Trump compares himself to saint in hush money case

NEW DELHI: As the Donald Trump's hush-money trial inched towards conclusion on Wednesday, the former US President compared himself to…

1 month ago

Cruel acts, though not alleged to debase, degrade child, may still be considered abuse

Dear PAO, Can a person who pointed and poked a gun at a 12-year-old child be held liable for child…

2 months ago

Conviction of accused must rest, not on weakness of defense, but on strength of prosecution

Dear PAO, My cousin filed a criminal case, which was heard in court but was eventually dismissed. My cousin said…

2 months ago

Issue of reasonableness of new rental may be resolved in ejectment, not in consignation

Dear PAO, My lease agreement with Lina is about to expire. She told me the lease may be renewed if…

2 months ago

Seller cannot sell what he does not own

Dear PAO, I inherited a certain land in the province, however, the title of the property is still in the…

2 months ago

Failure to appeal does not always result in violation of due process

Dear PAO, A private counsel represented me in a civil case involving a certain land. Unfortunately, we lost the case,…

2 months ago

The absence of parental advice shall not render the marriage void

Dear PAO, My 23-year-old boyfriend and I want to get married. His parents are against our marriage because they do…

3 months ago

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