N.S. amateur golfers who competed for fun win national championship

Nova Scotians Tim Charles and Peter Morse went to the inaugural BDO National Golf League Championship in Hamilton to have fun, meet…

1 month ago

N.S. is pursuing more family doctors, but not all want to stick to primary care

Dr. Adrienne Borrie can pinpoint the time when it became clear to her she wanted to focus on family medicine.Borrie…

1 month ago

Despite ambitious accessibility law, N.S. acknowledges it will not be barrier-free by 2030

Victoria Levack remembers how she felt the day Nova Scotia passed the Accessibility Act seven years ago: hopeful. "I thought, oh…

1 month ago

N.S. hopes daycare will be key to keeping health-care system running

It's suppertime at Health Park Early Learning Centre in Sydney, N.S., and six children are nibbling away on grilled cheese…

3 months ago

N.S. asked health-care workers for ideas to fix the system. Here are some the public didn’t get to see

Free tuition for doctors. Public exercise programs. Bringing in the military. These were just a few of the 2,200 ideas submitted by health-care…

3 months ago

N.S. Health expands efforts to get physician assistants into primary care

An effort to place physician assistants with primary care practices around the province takes more work than assigning them to…

3 months ago

Can collective ownership solve housing affordability? These Black communities in N.S. are working on it

Lynn Jones wanted to preserve the spirit of the Truro, N.S., neighbourhood known as "The Marsh" — once a thriving…

4 months ago

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