Mental health

Child’s Exposure To Air Pollution In Womb Raises Mental Health Risks During Adolescence

Children exposed to air pollution in the womb are at an increased risk of developing mental health issues later in…

1 month ago

What a Five-Year Study Reveals About Binge-Eating Disorder

A five-year study by McLean Hospital found that binge-eating disorder persists longer than previously thought, with significant percentages of individuals…

1 month ago

Dartmouth Researchers Have Mapped How the Brain Regulates Emotions

A new study by Dartmouth researchers identifies specific brain regions involved in emotion regulation and explores the neurochemical interactions that…

1 month ago

Can Mental Disorders Spread? Study Says They Can Among Adolescent Social Groups

Can mental disorders spread among peers? Researchers now say that mental health issues can be transmitted among adolescent social groups,…

1 month ago

Federal panel lists 35 ‘plausible’ future threats to Canada and the world

In a new report, a think-tank within Employment and Social Development Canada cites 35 "plausible" global disruptions that could reshape Canada and the world…

1 month ago

Environment Canada adopts B.C. model to warn of smoke hazards

Last year's record-breaking wildfire season forced Canadians to become familiar with the scale of air pollution as hazardous smoke drifted…

1 month ago

How a Newly Mapped Brain Circuit Could Transform Panic Disorder Treatment

Salk researchers have identified a specific brain circuit outside the amygdala that could lead to new treatments for panic disorder.…

2 months ago

Feds reject Toronto’s request to decriminalize simple possession of illicit drugs

The federal government has rejected a request from Toronto to decriminalize the possession of small amounts of illegal drugs for…

2 months ago

Mediterranean Diet Lowers Anxiety And Stress In Elderly Adults: Study

The Mediterranean diet is associated with many health benefits, including reduced risk of chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and…

2 months ago

Canadian health-care professionals urged to share climate disaster mitigation information

After last summer's heat waves, deadly floods and record-breaking wildfires, some scientists are urging Canadian health professionals to help their…

2 months ago

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