
Gut Inflammation Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease, Once Again : ScienceAlert

Researchers connecting pieces of the massive Alzheimer's puzzle are closer to slotting the next one in place, with yet another…

2 days ago

Texas Abortion Ban Linked to Marked Increase in Infant Deaths, Study Finds : ScienceAlert

An almost complete abortion ban in the US state of Texas has been linked to a rise in infant deaths…

4 days ago

An Odd Rock in a Box Gets Linked to a Shooting Star That Fell 54 Years Ago

Tens of thousands of meteorites have been found on Earth, but a vast majority remain shrouded in mystery. These rocks…

6 days ago

Heat waves linked to higher mortality rates, especially in cities with more renters

As heat warnings spread across North America this week, new Canadian research is shedding light on the health risks from…

1 week ago

Autism Linked With DNA Our Ancestors Inherited From Neanderthals : ScienceAlert

Some time deep in our evolutionary past, most likely more than once, a significant amount of Neanderthal DNA became mixed…

2 weeks ago

Sulfur metabolites linked to neurodegenerative diseases

Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Neurodegenerative diseases (NDDs), which have no known cures and elusive causes, result in irreversible damage to…

2 weeks ago

A new look at why old age is linked to severe, even fatal COVID

Credit: Vlada Karpovich from Pexels A longstanding question has nagged the COVID battle for more than four years: Why does…

2 weeks ago

Mediterranean Diet Linked to 23% Lower Risk of Death in Women : ScienceAlert

The Mediterranean diet, named after the region that inspired it, has long been associated with better health.Now a new study…

2 weeks ago

Hospitalizations With Seizures, Loss Of Consciousness Linked To Microdosing Chocolate Bars, FDA Warns

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a warning after six people were hospitalized across four states following…

3 weeks ago

Plant-based ultraprocessed foods linked to heart disease, early death, study says

Sign up for CNN’s Eat, But Better: Mediterranean Style. Our eight-part guide shows you a delicious expert-backed eating lifestyle that will…

3 weeks ago

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