
Antimatter Could Unlock a Radical New Future of Interstellar Travel : ScienceAlert

Interstellar travel is only something humanity has achieved in science fiction — like Star Trek's USS Enterprise, which used antimatter…

4 months ago

Could the solar system be teeming with interstellar objects? We’ll soon find out (op-ed)

How do you tell the difference between a spaceship and a space rock?  For astronomers like me, this question has…

5 months ago

What if Life on Earth Began When Interstellar Objects Crashed Here? : ScienceAlert

On October 19th, 2017, astronomers with the Pan-STARRS survey detected an interstellar object (ISO) passing through our Solar System for…

6 months ago

1st ‘interstellar tourism campaign’ urges aliens to visit Kentucky

Hey, aliens! Lexington, Kentucky would be a good place to spend your next deep-space vacation.This was the message that a…

6 months ago

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