
Every Page of the Book Burned by Homo Sapiens

God’s Book, the Holiest The holiest of books is not one written by evangelists or well-known prophets but one authored…

1 day ago

Homo Sapiens Now “Spiritus Luminous”

Wake-up Victims of Fallacies of Life It has been said that the most flawed of all of God’s creation is…

2 days ago

New Study Challenges Homo naledi Burial Claims

A recent study challenges previous claims that Homo naledi, a species dating back to between 335-241,000 years ago, deliberately buried…

5 months ago

45,000-Year-Old Tools And Bones Reveal Earliest Evidence of Homo Sapiens in Eastern Asia : ScienceAlert

Fragments of ancient rock and bone in Eastern Asia are changing our understanding of the history of human migration.They're artifacts…

6 months ago

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