
Do some black holes hide the secrets of their ancestors?

Black holes are monstrous and monolithic regions of space and time that have captured humanity's imagination. Some are created by…

3 months ago

Chemical Reactions Rivaling Black Holes

Scientists have discovered that molecules scramble quantum information at rates comparable to black holes, affecting chemical reactions and offering insights…

3 months ago

Chemical reactions can scramble quantum information as well as black holes

Rice University theorist Peter Wolynes and collaborators at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign have shown that molecules can be as…

3 months ago

Supermassive black hole’s mysterious ‘hiccups’ likely caused by violent neighbor

A hiccuping supermassive black hole has alerted astronomers to a whole new type of black hole behavior. In 2020, a previously…

3 months ago

3D map of over 1 million black holes traces where the universe’s dark matter lies

An enormous map of the universe has been assembled from the positions of almost 1.3 million quasars; some of these…

4 months ago

Satellite snaps eerily circular holes in the clouds above Florida. What caused them?

A cluster of eerily circular holes recently appeared in the clouds above Florida, a stunning new NASA image shows. The…

4 months ago

Scientists Discover The Most Epic Pair of Supermassive Black Holes Ever Seen : ScienceAlert

A galaxy some 750 million light-years away has been discovered hosting the heftiest pair of supermassive black holes we've ever…

4 months ago

Heaviest pair of black holes ever seen weighs 28 billion times more than the sun

Two supermassive black holes found in collision-created "fossil galaxies" are so massive that they refuse to collide and merge. The…

4 months ago

Black hole’s powerful eruption created a string of stars like stellar jewelry

Astronomers have discovered one of the most powerful black hole eruptions ever seen — and this immense explosion, which occurred…

4 months ago

Did monster black holes or galaxies come first? The James Webb Space Telescope may have a surprise answer

"What came first, the galaxy or its monster black hole?" Technically, it's an even more ancient riddle than the one about…

5 months ago

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