Global Warming

Ozone Layer Heals Ahead of Schedule

By Michael Hagmann, Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (EMPA) July 5, 2024The high-altitude Integrated Carbon Observation System…

1 day ago

New Study Reveals Shocking Mortality Rates Across the Globe

A Monash University study found heatwaves caused over 153,000 additional deaths per season from 1990 to 2019, with Asia most…

1 month ago

Asia Hit Hardest By Weather Disaster, Climate Change In 2023: UN

The annual mean near-surface temperature over Asia in 2023 was the second highest on recordGeneva: Asia was the world's most…

2 months ago

Climate Crisis To Cost World $59 Trillion in Worst-Case Scenario, Study Finds

A new study predicts a 19% income reduction for the global economy by 2050 due to climate change, based on…

3 months ago

Impact of Climate Change on Marine Life Far Greater Than Expected

Redfin needlefish (Strongylura notata) “hiding” below the sea surface near the Carribean island of Curacao. Credit: Juliette Jacquemont (co-author of…

3 months ago

Diving Deep Into the Great Barrier Reef’s Hidden Climate Defense

Coral reefs are fragile ecosystems and become increasingly dominated by lettuce-like and encrusting morphologies at mesophotic depths. Credit: Prof Peter…

3 months ago

New satellite will track elusive methane pollution from oil and gas industry globally

A privately funded satellite is set to push methane tracking into a new era, once it launches into space on Monday.A collaborative…

4 months ago

Alps’ Ice To Shrink 34% by 2050, Even if Global Warming Were To Completely Stop

A study by the University of Lausanne and partners predicts a 34% loss in the European Alps’ ice volume by…

4 months ago

Harnessing Sunlight To Combat Global Warming

In the new process, air is channeled through a liquid to capture CO2. If the liquid is irradiated with light,…

5 months ago

Major Antarctic Glacier Has Gone Through an Irreversible Retreat

An image showing ice flowing into the ocean and forming an ice shelf in Antarctica. (NB: This image is not…

6 months ago

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