
New Research Reveals That Fresh Water Emerged 500 Million Years Sooner Than Previously Thought

New research indicates that freshwater existed on Earth four billion years ago, 500 million years earlier than previously thought, reshaping…

2 weeks ago

A New Look at the First Peoples’ Migration

New research uses landscape evolution models to uncover the migration patterns of Sahul’s First Peoples. Credit: SciTechDaily.comIntroduction to New Research…

2 months ago

A Cooler Future? Study Suggests Cloud Engineering as an Effective “Painkiller” for Global Warming

Recent findings indicate that marine cloud brightening, a method of increasing cloud cover to cool the Earth, could be more…

3 months ago

In B.C.’s forests, a debate over watershed science with lives and billions at stake

Ross Muirhead stood at the edge of a forestry cut block filled with stumps, rain pelting down as he watched water…

4 months ago

Stalagmites Provide Unique Climate Archive

Active dripstone formation in a side area of the “Kleine Teufelshöhle.” Credit: KIT (taken as part of the HEiKA Project…

6 months ago

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