
Fungal Pathogens Are Mutating Dangerously as The World Gets Hotter : ScienceAlert

Like a nightmarish, post-apocalyptic plot, rising temperatures are causing fungi to mutate in ways that not only make them hyper-infectious…

5 days ago

Highly Contagious Sexually Transmitted Fungal Infection Makes US Debut: First Case In NYC

A rare and highly contagious sexually transmitted fungal infection that has been on the rise in Europe has made its…

4 weeks ago

Newly Identified Yeast Could Prevent Fungal Infections

A study by the Weizmann Institute of Science introduces Kazachstania weizmannii, a yeast that competes with and reduces populations of…

3 months ago

Know Signs, Risk Factors Of Deadly Fungal Infection

An outbreak of Candida auris (C.auris), a deadly fungal infection that's on the rise in the U.S., is reported for…

5 months ago

Deaths From Fungal Infections Have Doubled Worldwide in Just a Decade : ScienceAlert

Eleven years ago, my colleagues and I estimated that about 2 million people around the world were dying from fungal…

6 months ago

Researchers make breakthrough in fighting a leading cause of fungal pneumonia

Tulane scientists have made crucial advancements in developing a model to study a fungus that causes Pneumocystis pneumonia in immunosuppressed…

6 months ago

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