Evolutionary Biology

Scientists Reveal Origins of Plant-Ant Partnerships 135 Million Years Ago

A new study has discovered that both ferns and flowering plants evolved nectaries simultaneously around 135 million years ago, suggesting…

2 weeks ago

The Sea Cucumber: Nature’s Answer to Modern Medical Challenges

Scientists utilize a handful of standard research organisms, including fruit flies and mice, to study the evolutionary development (evo-devo) of…

2 weeks ago

How Solomon’s Bats Defy Appearance

Researchers discovered significant genetic diversity among leaf-nosed bats in the Solomon Islands, revealing that bats of similar sizes across different…

2 months ago

How a DNA Anomaly Misled Scientists for Centuries

New research reveals that a long-overlooked genetic anomaly in birds has significantly altered our understanding of their evolutionary lineage, demonstrating…

3 months ago

The Genetic Puzzle of Human Migration: Solved at Last?

Persian Plateau, the most likely place where the ancestors of all present-day non-Africans lived for the 20.000 years that followed…

3 months ago

Scientists Have Uncovered Remarkable Similarities Between This Sea Monster and Humans

Recent research has discovered that sea lampreys and humans share a similar genetic blueprint for hindbrain development, highlighting the evolutionary…

4 months ago

Lifetime Travels of Woolly Mammoth That Lived More Than 14,000 Years Ago Chronicled by Researchers

A groundbreaking study on a woolly mammoth named Élmayuujey’eh revealed her extensive travels over 14,000 years ago across northwestern Canada…

5 months ago

Harvard Scientists Discover Surprising Hidden Catalyst in Human Brain Evolution

A new study suggests that the evolution of the human brain’s increased size may be attributed to the consumption of…

5 months ago

The Evolutionary Secrets of Elephant Trunks

A recent study provides new insights into the evolution of dexterous trunks in ancestral elephants. It highlights the co-evolution of…

6 months ago

Insights on Intelligence and Lifespan From Mouse Lemurs

A study on wild gray mouse lemurs by the German Primate Center revealed that higher cognitive skills and exploratory behavior…

6 months ago

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