
Perseverance rover’s Mars rock sample may contain best evidence of possible ancient life

The lead scientist for NASA's Perseverance Mars rover is excited about material that has been stored in the rover's sample…

2 months ago

‘Strongest Statistical Evidence Yet’ For Planet Nine Has Been Found, Scientist Says : ScienceAlert

The hunt for the elusive Planet Nine goes on, and new research claims to have the "strongest statistical evidence yet"…

2 months ago

Delayed marking of drug evidence may absolve accused

Dear PAO, My daughter's friend, E, is being accused of selling illegal drugs. She has no witnesses to testify for…

2 months ago

Elon Musk says ‘disk replacement’ worked for him. But evidence this surgery helps chronic pain is lacking

by Giovanni E Ferreira, Christine Lin, Christopher Maher, Ian Harris and Joshua Zadro, The Conversation Credit: AI-generated image Last week…

2 months ago

No evidence of UNRWA staff links to ‘terrorist’ groups: Independent review | Israel War on Gaza News

Israel has not presented credible evidence to support its claims that UNRWA staff were members of “terrorist” groups, an independent…

2 months ago

We Have The First Evidence of Ancient Human Life in This Vast Lava Tube Cave : ScienceAlert

Archaeologists have uncovered a treasure trove of evidence that humans once occupied a cave in Saudi Arabia formed by flowing…

3 months ago

SETI chief says US has no evidence for alien technology. ‘And we never have’

If all the reports of mysterious objects buzzing our skies are taken as true encounters, the Earth appears to be…

3 months ago

The Cass review: an opportunity to unite behind evidence informed care in gender medicine

Kamran Abbasi, editor in chiefThe BMJkabbasi{at}bmj.comFollow Kamran on Twitter @KamranAbbasiAt the heart of Hilary Cass’s review of gender identity services…

3 months ago

Guidelines on gender related treatment flouted standards and overlooked poor evidence, finds Cass review

Developing a new NHS service for young people with gender dysphoria or incongruence has been a “phenomenal challenge,” says the…

3 months ago

New evidence links passive smoking with dangerous heart rhythm disorder

Credit: CC0 Public Domain Exposure to secondhand smoke—even at small amounts—is linked with greater risk of a serious heart rhythm…

3 months ago

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