
Thousands of Meteorites in Antarctica Are Destined to Be Lost Forever : ScienceAlert

Antarctica is a wonderland of stardust.There, amid the pristine whiteness of the ice and snow, scientists have retrieved more than…

3 months ago

Dali Ship That Hit Key Bridge Was Destined for Sri Lanka

The Dali was less than 30 minutes into its planned 27-day journey when the ship ran into the Francis Scott…

3 months ago

This Ancient Vampire Squid Is Destined to Clutch Its Last Prey Forever : ScienceAlert

Roughly 183 million years ago, a deep-sea vampire squid was so caught up in the present that it became a…

4 months ago

Palestinian Authority says Israeli post-war Gaza plan ‘destined to fail’ | Israel War on Gaza News

The Palestinian Authority has sharply criticised a “day after” plan for Gaza presented by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, calling…

4 months ago

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