Dark Matter

Astrophysicists Detect Potential Collisional Dark Matter in “El Gordo”

Simulations of the galaxy cluster “El Gordo” suggest that dark matter may be self-interacting, supporting the Self-Interacting Dark Matter (SIDM)…

1 month ago

Stunning photos revealed by European Space Agency’s Euclid space telescope

At first glance, the image doesn't look like much: a few smatterings of bright, yellow stars among dimmer white ones.…

1 month ago

How BREAD Is Redefining Dark Matter Searches

The BREAD experiment enhances dark matter research by employing a broadband, space-efficient design, paving the way for future scientific breakthroughs.…

3 months ago

What Are Dark Matter and Dark Energy?

Dark matter and dark energy, making up most of the universe, are elusive forces that shape cosmic structure and expansion.…

3 months ago

Hunt for Luminous Galaxies Could Upend Dark Matter Theories

UCLA astrophysicists have used new simulations to uncover that the earliest galaxies may have been smaller and brighter than previously…

4 months ago

Euclid Is on the Trail of the Dark Side of the Universe

Euclid’s strength lies in its diversity: this small section of Euclid’s large image plane shows a detail of the Perseus…

5 months ago

Dark Matter’s Key to a Cosmic Puzzle

Researchers at SISSA propose that dark matter mini-halos in the universe could reveal the existence of primordial magnetic fields, offering…

6 months ago

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