
Check out the elephants at risk of extinction, and the wild cats that are bouncing back

Over 45,000 species are now threatened with extinction — 1,000 more than last year — according to an international conservation…

6 days ago

P.E.I. river otters caught on camera as their population grows

River otters are making a comeback in at least one corner of Prince Edward Island, according to a recent journal…

3 months ago

A million mice are eating seabirds alive on a remote island. Conservationists have a plan

The Current15:00How to kill one million miceWarning: This story contains distressing images.Conservationists are hatching a plan to kill up to…

3 months ago

Reported plan to move Rosehill racecourse to endangered bell frog habitat surprises conservationists | Sydney

Conservations have expressed surprise at reported plans to move Sydney’s Rosehill racecourse to a historic brickpit at Olympic Park, which…

3 months ago

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