
Scientists Pinpoint Where Extreme Moods of Bipolar Disorder Exist in Brain : ScienceAlert

Moods and emotions play an important role in our day-to-day life.They even influence how we experience things – for instance,…

2 weeks ago

Teens may experience delays in bipolar progression after major depressive disorder, according to study

Adolescents may experience delayed bipolar disorder (BD) progression after major depressive disorder (MDD) diagnosis, according to a study published online…

1 month ago

Bipolar Disorder Linked to a Higher Risk of Early Death Than Smoking : ScienceAlert

People with bipolar disorder are four to six times more likely to die prematurely than those without the condition, according…

5 months ago

A New Ally in Managing Weight Gain for Young Bipolar Disorder Patients

A recent study revealed that metformin helps prevent weight gain in youth treated for bipolar disorder with SGAs. Involving 1,565…

6 months ago

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