
Attractiveness May Influence Teens’ Tendency For Risky Behaviors : ScienceAlert

The 'cool kids' have always been portrayed as a fun-loving, risk-taking bunch, and a new study suggests this may have…

2 hours ago

Addressing cancer screening behaviors in the Muslim community in Washington

Credit: Feyza Tuğba from Pexels A study has revealed insights into the cancer screening behaviors of Muslims in the Washington,…

3 weeks ago

Synthetic estrogen associated with increased anxiety-like behaviors in a rat model

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain The type of estrogen in hormonal birth control may influence anxiety-like behaviors, according to data presented…

1 month ago

Teen concussion tied to higher risk for suicidal behaviors

Adolescents who report concussion have increased odds of reporting suicidal behaviors, according to a study published online Nov. 16 in…

7 months ago

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