
NASA begins delivering 1st Artemis Moon Trees to be planted across United States

The first woman slated to launch to the moon has delivered one of the first trees grown from seeds recently…

2 months ago

Slovenia signs NASA’s Artemis Accords for cooperative space exploration

NASA has added another country to its growing list of international partners committed to responsible moon exploration. On Friday (April 19),…

2 months ago

Artemis II Spacecraft Testing Begins in NASA’s Upgraded Altitude Chamber

As NASA prepares for the Artemis II mission, the Orion spacecraft is undergoing rigorous testing at Kennedy Space Center’s updated…

2 months ago

NASA’s Artemis 3 astronauts will put a moonquake detector on lunar surface

The Lunar Environment Monitoring Station (LEMS) is one of the first three potential payloads NASA selected for the Artemis 3…

3 months ago

Sweden becomes 38th country to sign NASA’s Artemis Accords for moon exploration

Another one signs the (moon) dust.Sweden is the newest nation to sign onto NASA's Artemis Accords for peaceful and responsible…

3 months ago

Switzerland signs Artemis Accords to join NASA in moon exploration

Add Switzerland to the list!Swiss Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin joined NASA administrator Bill Nelson Monday (April 15), at the space…

3 months ago

Artemis III’s Revolutionary Instruments Explained

Artist’s concept of an Artemis astronaut deploying an instrument on the lunar surface. Credit: NASA NASA’s Artemis III mission will…

3 months ago

NASA picks 3 companies to design lunar rover for Artemis astronauts to drive on the moon

NASA's next moon car is starting to take shape.The agency has selected three private teams — led by the companies Intuitive…

3 months ago

Artemis astronauts will carry plants to the moon in 2026

The first astronauts to land on the moon in more than half a century will set up a lunar mini-greenhouse,…

3 months ago

Artemis 2 moon astronauts celebrate engine test for future lunar missions (video)

NASA's next moon mission commander raised his hands in celebration during a powerful rocket engine test.Artemis 2 commander Reid Wiseman,…

4 months ago

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