
A Strange Thing Happens When You And Your Partner Drink Alcohol Over Time : ScienceAlert

Couples who share similar drinking habits tend to live longer than those who don't, according to a study of more…

3 months ago

Commercially driven efforts to frame alcohol harms have no place in UK health policy development

Nason Maani, lecturer in inequalities and global health policy, Global Health Policy Unit, School of Social and Political Sciences, University…

3 months ago

The risks of mixing alcohol and sports wagering

UNLV psychology professor and addictions expert Shane W. Kraus partnered on research into the links between sports gambling and binge…

3 months ago

Recent estimates of alcohol specific deaths support alcohol minimum unit pricing

Grant M A Wyper public health intelligence adviser and honorary senior research fellow, Lucie Giles public health intelligence principal, Clare…

3 months ago

Paul Wallace: GP and innovative alcohol researcher

John Illmanjohn@jicmedia.orgPaul Wallace, emeritus David Cohen professor of primary healthcare, University College London (UCL), had a mantra: “GPs are experts…

3 months ago

The Ultimate Guide To Limiting Alcohol Intake For A Healthy Liver

Overindulging in alcohol can have serious consequences on your liver health. It is vital to limit your alcohol intake to…

3 months ago

The Ultimate Guide To Limiting Alcohol Intake For A Healthy Liver

Overindulging in alcohol can have serious consequences on your liver health. It is vital to limit your alcohol intake to…

3 months ago

Minimum unit pricing for alcohol saves lives, so why is it not implemented more widely?

Peter Anderson, consultant1, Tim Stockwell, scientist, professor emeritus and adjunct professor2 3, Guillermina Natera, scientist, director4, Eileen Kaner, professor of…

4 months ago

Study finds restaurants, bars still serving alcohol to intoxicated patrons

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Nearly every state has laws that ban restaurants and bars from serving alcohol to visibly intoxicated…

4 months ago

Lifestyle Determines Drug Effectiveness; Smoking, Alcohol Use, Obesity Key Factors: Study

Your lifestyle choices decide how well a medication works for you, findings of a new study reveal. Researchers have found…

4 months ago

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