
Distracting preschoolers with devices could cause trouble down the road, study suggests

Parents who steal a moment of calm by handing over a smartphone or tablet to a fussy toddler could set…

2 days ago

Can Mental Disorders Spread? Study Says They Can Among Adolescent Social Groups

Can mental disorders spread among peers? Researchers now say that mental health issues can be transmitted among adolescent social groups,…

1 month ago

Excessive social media use during the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated adolescent mental health challenges

Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain How does time spent online, and especially social media, affect the brains and behaviors of children…

6 months ago

Adolescent Obesity Linked To Early Chronic Kidney Disease; Even Those With High-Normal BMI At Risk

Maintaining a healthy weight during teenage goes a long way in a person's future well-being. Obesity in adolescence is linked…

6 months ago

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