Victoria Corless

Phosphate in NASA’s OSIRIS-REx asteroid sample suggests space rock Bennu hails from an ocean world

On September 24, 2023, NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft dropped a capsule to Earth containing pristine carbonaceous regolith collected from the near-Earth…

6 days ago

If we really want people living on the moon, we need an astronaut health database

Scientists have created the first-ever aerospace medicine biobank to help outline the impact spaceflight has on astronauts' health. This repository…

2 weeks ago

A missing link in the timeline of Earth’s chemistry may have been found

A missing piece of Earth's evolutionary timeline may have been found. Using computational modeling, a team of scientists explored how…

3 weeks ago

Weird magnetic fields of Uranus and Neptune may come from strange space chemistry

In the depths of our solar system — a realm where chemistry meets speculation — scientists have reported the possible…

4 weeks ago

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