Kate Golembiewski

Cada elefante tiene nombre propio, sugiere un estudio

¿Qué hay en un nombre? Es algo más que un sonido que hacen las personas para llamar la atención de…

3 weeks ago

Seeing Stars, Sperm and Millions of Spawn After a Valentine’s Day Rendezvous

On Valentine’s Day, Melissa Torres strung up red tinsel hearts around a shallow pool at her workplace, the Birch Aquarium…

4 months ago

Fear the Tails, Not the Jaws, of These ‘Weirdo’ Sharks

When a thresher shark attacks, it doesn’t lunge in teeth-first. Instead, it approaches a school of fish, lowers its head,…

5 months ago

Scaly Fossil Is the Oldest-Known Piece of Skin

Dry, scaly skin may be one of the least fun parts of winter. But in the broad scheme of things,…

6 months ago

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