John Illman

Paul Wallace: GP and innovative alcohol researcher

John Illmanjohn@jicmedia.orgPaul Wallace, emeritus David Cohen professor of primary healthcare, University College London (UCL), had a mantra: “GPs are experts…

3 months ago

Peter McGuffin: psychiatrist and researcher who set out to find better ways of defining severe mental illness

John IllmanLondon, UKjohn{at}jicmedia.orgPhoto credit: King’s College LondonThere was always something different about Peter McGuffin, professor of psychiatric genetics at the…

4 months ago

Anthony Eisinger: innovative nephrologist who established a centre of excellence in renal medicine

John IllmanLondon, UKjohn{at}jicmedia.orgGrandees from the then regional health authority, the Renal Association, central government, and the Department of Health repeatedly…

5 months ago

Chris Bulstrode: volunteered for the army as a trauma surgeon in his 50s

John IllmanLondon, UKjohn{at}jicmedia.orgChris Bulstrode’s wish to join the army elicited loud laughter in the recruiting office. He was 56, 20…

6 months ago

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