Felicity Nelson

Nanoparticles in Some of The World’s Oldest Rocks Found to Hide Clues on Life’s Origins : ScienceAlert

Encased inside some of the oldest rocks on Earth are previously overlooked nanocrystals that tell a story about how life…

5 months ago

Even More Evidence That Alzheimer’s Was Being Spread by Now-Banned Injections : ScienceAlert

The practice of injecting children with growth hormone extracted from the brains of deceased people was abandoned long ago –…

5 months ago

World First Partial Heart Transplant Is Growing With a Baby : ScienceAlert

The first baby to undergo a partial heart transplant will hopefully be spared repeated heart surgeries as the implanted tissue…

5 months ago

Listlessness in Depression Can Be Seen in The Eyes : ScienceAlert

When money is dangled in front of our eyes, the reward pathways in our brains usually light up, and within…

5 months ago

A Study of 500,000 Medical Records Links Viruses to Alzheimer’s Again And Again : ScienceAlert

A study of around 500,000 medical records suggested that severe viral infections like encephalitis and pneumonia increase the risk of…

6 months ago

Your Blood Type Affects Your Risk of Early Stroke, Scientists Discover : ScienceAlert

People with one of the type A blood groups are more likely to have a stroke before the age of…

6 months ago

Incredibly Rare Half-Male, Half-Female Bird Caught on Camera : ScienceAlert

A green honeycreeper (Chlorophanes spiza) with male plumage on one half of its body and female coloring on the other…

6 months ago

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