David Nield

A Signal of Future Alzheimer’s May Be Hidden in The Way You Speak : ScienceAlert

We're still not sure exactly what causes Alzheimer's disease, but we know what its effects look like, and we're getting…

20 hours ago

Earth And Space Actually Share The Same Turbulence Patterns : ScienceAlert

Most of us probably don't think much about turbulence until we're being bumped around in an aircraft, but a new…

3 days ago

Cashless Payments Are Changing Our Spending Behavior, Study Reveals : ScienceAlert

Cash has served us well for over 3,000 years – with shells the forerunners to coins and notes – but…

4 days ago

The Risk Factors For Long COVID Have Finally Been Revealed : ScienceAlert

For many, catching SARS-CoV-2 means an unpleasant few weeks of aches, coughs, and fatigue. In roughly one in every five…

5 days ago

Out-of-Body Experiences Have a Surprising Effect on Some People : ScienceAlert

Out-of-body experiences (OBEs) can leave a significant and lasting impression on those who go through them, and can also boost…

6 days ago

Earliest Biological Signals of Autism Found in Mini-Brains Experiment : ScienceAlert

Some people with autism spectrum disorder experience milder symptoms, but others with more 'profound' cases face significant challenges with social,…

6 days ago

Study Confirms One Type of COVID Mask Is ‘Significantly Better’ Than Others : ScienceAlert

Considering COVID-19 hasn't gone away, and we want to be as prepared as possible for the next potential pandemic, a…

1 week ago

Fasting Boosts Immune System’s Attack on Cancer, Mouse Study Finds : ScienceAlert

A restricted diet could help the immune system tackle cancer. In a new study in mice, fasting was shown to…

1 week ago

Autism Linked With DNA Our Ancestors Inherited From Neanderthals : ScienceAlert

Some time deep in our evolutionary past, most likely more than once, a significant amount of Neanderthal DNA became mixed…

2 weeks ago

Scientists Create The Thinnest Lens on Earth Using Quantum Physics : ScienceAlert

A quantum phenomenon has allowed scientists to develop a lens just three atoms thick, qualifying as the thinnest ever made.Oddly,…

2 weeks ago

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