Senate’s Loss, Education’s Gain After VP

Senates Loss Educations Gain After VP
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Manila, Philippines — Senator Sonny Angara has been named the new Secretary of the Department of Education (DepEd), a move that has been widely anticipated and is seen as a significant shift in the Philippine political and educational landscape. President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. announced the appointment on June 30, 2024, marking a new chapter for DepEd after the tenure of Vice President Sara Duterte.


This transition is expected to bring fresh perspectives and renewed hope for the country’s ailing education system, despite the considerable void it leaves in the Senate.

The Anticipated Appointment

The speculation around Angara’s appointment was rife well before the official announcement. Current PH highlighted this possibility on June 27, 2024, stating that Angara’s legislative experience and advocacy for educational reforms made him a strong candidate for the DepEd post. This early anticipation reflects the broad support and high expectations for Angara’s potential impact on Philippine education.

A Senate Void

Angara’s departure from the Senate, where he has served since 2013, leaves a significant gap. Known for his legislative acumen and advocacy in education and healthcare, his absence will undoubtedly be felt. The Commission on Elections (COMELEC) has confirmed that Angara’s Senate seat will remain vacant until the 2025 polls, raising concerns about the continuity of his ongoing initiatives and the balance of power within the Senate.


Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri expressed mixed feelings about the appointment, acknowledging the loss of a key legislator but also the potential gains for the education sector. “Senator Angara has been a pillar in the Senate, particularly in education and finance. His expertise will now be channeled into DepEd, where it is sorely needed,” Zubiri said.


Challenges Ahead

As Angara steps into his new role, he inherits a department beset with challenges. The recent tenure of Vice President Sara Duterte was marked by controversy and criticism, particularly over the perceived lack of substantial reforms and improvements in the education system. Various stakeholders are now pinning their hopes on Angara to address these longstanding issues.

History and Global Rankings

President Marcos Jr. has instructed Angara to prioritize the enhancement of history teaching and improving the country’s global ranking in education. This directive underscores the need for a comprehensive overhaul of the curriculum and teaching methodologies. “Our history should inspire and educate, not just inform. We must also aspire to climb the global education rankings, reflecting the true potential of Filipino students,” Marcos stated.

Teacher Salaries and Welfare

One of the critical areas of focus for Angara will be the push for higher salaries for teachers. The Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT) has been vocal about the need for better compensation and working conditions. “Teachers are the backbone of our education system. Ensuring their welfare and providing competitive salaries are essential for attracting and retaining quality educators,” ACT said in a statement.

Educational Infrastructure and Resources

Another pressing issue is the state of educational infrastructure and resources. Many schools, especially in rural areas, suffer from a lack of basic facilities and learning materials. The Manila Broadcasting Company (MBC) has urged Angara to prioritize an overhaul of the education sector, emphasizing the need for modern classrooms, libraries, and technology integration. “Our children deserve conducive learning environments and access to up-to-date educational tools,” MBC noted.

Reactions and Expectations

The response to Angara’s appointment has been largely positive, with various politicians and groups expressing support and optimism. Senator Risa Hontiveros, while acknowledging the loss for the Senate, commended the decision. “Sonny Angara’s dedication to education reform is well-known. I am confident he will bring much-needed changes to DepEd,” she remarked.

However, the challenge remains formidable. The education sector has been grappling with issues of quality and accessibility for years, and stakeholders are looking to Angara to implement effective and sustainable solutions. The National Union of Students of the Philippines (NUSP) has called for an inclusive and participatory approach in crafting educational policies. “Students, teachers, and parents must have a voice in the decision-making process. Only then can we ensure that reforms are truly responsive to our needs,” NUSP stated.

Immediate Priorities

As Angara assumes office, his immediate priorities will likely include:

  1. Curriculum Review and Reform: Evaluating and updating the curriculum to make it more relevant and aligned with global standards.
  2. Teacher Training and Development: Enhancing teacher training programs to improve teaching quality and effectiveness.
  3. Infrastructure Improvement: Addressing the infrastructure gaps in schools across the country.
  4. Access to Technology: Ensuring that students have access to modern educational technology and resources.
  5. Student Welfare Programs: Implementing programs that support student health, nutrition, and overall well-being.


Sonny Angara’s appointment as DepEd Secretary comes at a critical time for Philippine education. The expectations are high, and the challenges are daunting. However, with his legislative background and commitment to educational reform, there is a sense of cautious optimism that Angara can steer the department towards much-needed improvements.

The Senate’s loss is indeed a gain for the Department of Education, and by extension, for the millions of Filipino students who stand to benefit from a better, more equitable education system. As Angara begins his tenure, the nation watches with bated breath, hopeful that this change will bring about the educational renaissance that the Philippines so desperately needs.

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