Police investigate hospital admissions and death potentially linked to zopiclone

Police investigate hospital admissions and death potentially linked to zopiclone
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Police in County Durham are investigating reports of seven adults who were taken to hospital for what were believed to be “adverse effects following the consumption of a drug called zopiclone.”In a statement on 29 June Cleveland Police confirmed that six people had been “discharged from hospital with one person remaining for treatment for unrelated matters.”1 The statement said that officers were continuing to “investigate the death of one man on Friday 26 June where the cause of death is yet to be confirmed.”The police said that they were in the early stages of their inquiries but were working to “establish the full circumstances of what has occurred.” In the meantime, they are engaging with the “community in and around the local area” and have urged “anyone who has information to call Cleveland Police quoting reference number 122076.”Last November Cleveland Police seized 3000 zopiclone tablets, believed to have been imported…

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