Watch moment paedophile headteacher Neil Foden is arrested at school | News

Paedophile head teacher arrested at school
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This is the moment a paedophile headteacher is arrested at a school in North Wales.


Bodycam footage, released by North Wales Police, shows the moment officers arrested 66-year-old Neil Foden.

The former high school headteacher who had a “sexual obsession” with young girls has today (1 July) been jailed for 17 years.


Foden was convicted following a trial in May of 19 offences involving the abuse of four girls over a four-year period.


Sentencing him at Mold Crown Court on Monday, Judge Rhys Rowlands said: “Your behaviour was born out of your arrogant sense of your self-worth, such that you believed no-one would stand up to you.”


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