‘Star Wars: The Acolyte’ episode 5: Who’s the masked Sith villain?

A masked villain is pointing a red lightsaber in a threatening manner
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In episode 5 of The Acolyte, things get fast and furious on a level that post-Disney Star Wars has rarely hit. While the series itself has sometimes been undermined by jumpy editing, some underbaked plot points, and a few snippets of iffy dialogues, it’s been fascinating to follow every week so far. The genuinely refreshing story alongside the well-defined characters that are trying to unravel the central mystery has been exciting to watch.


Episode 5 ‘Night’ is the payoff to last week’s largely calm episode ‘Day’ that we were hoping for and then some. There’s relentless action, more grim moments than anyone was expecting, and the plot squirming and twisting on itself once again.

You can really tell that Leslye Headland (series creator and showrunner) and her team have closely examined the Star Wars prequels’ most fast-paced and brutal lightsaber fights to better craft the show’s key action sequences. Qimir actor Manny Jacinto teased this last year, and he definitely wasn’t exaggerating!

Yord protects a fellow Jedi. (Image credit: Disney+)

All the Jedi versus Sith action and shocking scenes don’t negate the fact The Acolyte continues to be shoddily cut and might not fully come together in the end. Toxic online discourse aside, the series’ highs and the fact we’re finally outside the Skywalker Saga of the Star Wars timeline aren’t enough to convince us (for now) that this wouldn’t have been better as one installment of the new batch of Star Wars movies. We do have to applaud the work done on this episode by director Alex Garcia Lopez and the other creatives regardless; this one will stand tall against the best live-action Star Wars shows so far.


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