Visit of the LAF Commander to the Fouad Shehab Command and Staff College

Visit of the LAF Commander to the Fouad Shehab Command and Staff College
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The LAF Commander, General Joseph Aoun, met with the officers of the 38th Staff Course and the first English Language Staff Course at the Fouad Shehab Command and Staff College, in the presence of the College Chief Brigadier General Mohammed Bitar and the officers, just before their graduation.

General Aoun congratulated the graduating officers, greeted them on Father’s Day, and welcomed the Arab and foreign officers. He considered success in the Staff Course an important achievement, after which the graduates move on to a new phase where they play a key role as advisors in major units, which later enables them to assume command positions.

He pointed out that great commanders throughout history, such as Napoleon Bonaparte and Bernard Montgomery, attached great importance to their staff and constantly relied on their advice to avoid mistakes. He considered that the duty of the staff, which is to prepare the decision, is more important than the decision itself, as the preparation draws attention to the soundness of the final decision, with the need to rely on experience and wisdom.

He told them: “You have completed the Staff Course under difficult circumstances and a phase that is one of the most difficult in the history of the army, but it remains steadfast thanks to your efforts and those of your comrades, your trust, and your belief in the sanctity of the mission. The officer takes the initiative within the available means, and the successful leader emerges during adversity, so be creative, innovative and up to the responsibility,” noting that there are three who take the oath in the Lebanese state: the President, the Judge, and the soldier, because their mission is sacred.

He added: “The military institution is moving forward in its duty, despite all attempts to denigrate its image and obstruct its work, the entity of our country and our state still stands, so do not be preoccupied with rumors. I see in your eyes the determination and resolve to preserve the institution amid the tense situation, especially in the south as a result of the repeated Israeli aggressions, in the hope that the difficulties will soon be resolved and attempts to reach a calm will succeed.”


He touched on the issue of the Military Academy, saying: “It is expected that those in charge will be keen to ensure the regular work of the Military Academy to avoid emptiness and infuse new blood into the institution.”

He concluded by expressing his appreciation to the families of the graduates for their support during the past year, and to the Staff College for its strenuous efforts and the remarkable development it has achieved, especially in terms of graduating the first English Language Staff Course.


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