Sam Milby Reveals He Has Type 2 Diabetes

Sam Milby Reveals He Has Type 2 Diabetes
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Sam Milby opened up about his health, revealing he has type 2 diabetes. He posted a photo of his blood sugar test kit on Instagram that shows “525 mg/dL.”


Photo: Nice Print Photo

“I’ve always thought of myself as a healthy person. I don’t have a sweet tooth, bihira din mag junk food, pero last year I found out na may type 2 diabetes na ako [I rarely eat junk food, but last year I found out that I have type 2 diabetes]. My parents and grandparents never had it,” he wrote.

The actor urged his followers not to ignore symptoms, emphasizing the importance of regular checkups.


“I just wish I got checked up earlier nung pre-diabetes pa. My advice – don’t ignore the symptoms (my main symptoms – always thirsty and urinating often) and get checked up regularly,” he added.


According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, over 180 mg/dL is considered hyperglycemia or high blood sugar. Aside from increased thirst and urination, other symptoms of diabetes include increased hunger, fatigue, blurred vision, numbness, and weight loss.

In the comments section, netizens sent well wishes for his health.


ALSO READ: Cornerstone Addresses Catriona Gray and Sam Milby’s Relationship Rumors

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