Man under police guard after allegedly stabbing security guards at western Sydney hospital | Sydney

Man under police guard after allegedly stabbing security guards at western Sydney hospital | Sydney
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A man is under police guard at a western Sydney hospital after allegedly stabbing and assaulting hospital staff.


Police were called to Westmead Hospital about 11.30pm on Friday following reports a man had assaulted several staff members.

The 39-year-old allegedly stabbed two male security guards aged 24 and 25.

A 29-year-old nurse, also male, was injured in the attack, while a third security guard suffered a dislocated shoulder.


The man was arrested and remains under guard at the hospital as an investigation into the incident continues.


The conditions of the injured workers are not yet known.


The “senseless violence” on hospital staff is horrifying, the secretary of the Health Services Union NSW, Gerard Hayes, said.


“For the workers on the receiving end, the trauma will continue long after the physical scars have healed,” he said.

“For the last decade, we have had shootings, stabbings and flesh torn from the bodies of our members.”

The union said it will continue to push for greater security numbers and powers at hospitals, and better personal protective equipment.

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