Jay Slater missing update: Friend labels Tenerife disappearance ‘suspicious and weird’

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Missing for three days- Emergency crews search for missing British teen in Tenerife.mp4

A friend of Jay Slater has described the British teenager’s disappearance in Tenerife as “suspicious and weird” as she recalls their final phone call on the morning he went missing.


The 19-year-old was last heard from at 8.15am on Monday when he called his friend Lucy Mae to tell her he had gotten lost while walking back to his accommodation.

He had gone to stay with people he had met at the NRG music festival earlier that day. The teen had missed the bus meaning he had embarked on a journey expected to take 11 hours on foot.

Speaking to The Sun, she said her friend “wasn’t stupid” and added: “There’s something weird going on. It is suspicious. In two days you’re telling me someone’s not seen him.


“There’s a restaurant 10 minutes away that he would have seen or walked past. It’s suspicious and it’s weird.”


Jay was last seen wearing a white T-shirt with shorts and trainers, with his phone showing his last location as the Rural de Teno park, an area popular with hikers.


Where was Jay Slater last seen?

Jay Slater’s last registered location was in the Rural de Teno national park, a remote mountainous area in north-west Tenerife that is popular among hikers.

After attneding the NRG festival in Papagayo beach club, he had travelled to a different part of the island with new friends that he had met over the weekend.

Shortly after 8am, he contacted his friend Lucy and told her his phone was about to die, and that he was attempting to walk back to their accommodation, despite it being a 10-hour hike.

His phone’s last location was registered at 8.50am in the rural nature park, with the search focused on the Masca hamlet, in the municipality of Buenavista del Norte.

When Jay Slater’s phone cut off, his last location showed as the Rural de Teno park – a mountainous area popular with hikers (Alamy/PA)
When Jay Slater’s phone cut off, his last location showed as the Rural de Teno park – a mountainous area popular with hikers (Alamy/PA)

Athena Stavrou20 June 2024 05:00


Coronation Street star joins appeal to find missing Briton

A Coronation Street star has joined the calls for help in finding apprentice bricklayer Jay Slater, who has been missing on Tenerife since Monday morning.

Vicky Entwistle, who playing Janice Battersby on the ITV soap, says she “hope to God they find him” as they tells another social media user that she knows authorities are “pulling out all the stops”.

She also revealed that Jay is her godmother’s grandson, and shared a poster which detailed his last whereabouts.

Athena Stavrou20 June 2024 04:00


Last social media post shows Jay Slater smiling with friends

A final Snapchat post taken hours before teenager Jay Slater went missing shows him smiling and laughing with friends.

The 19-year-old had attended the final day of the three-day NRG festival at Papagayo Tenerife beach club, before leaving in a car with new friends to have a few drinks at their accommodation.

However, shortly after 8am on Monday morning, he phoned his friend Lucy to say that he was attempting to walk back but was lost, in need of water and was only on one per cent phone battery.


Athena Stavrou20 June 2024 03:00


Watch: Former head of missing persons unit gives insight into search to find Jay Slater

Former head of missing persons unit gives insight into search to find Jay Slater

Athena Stavrou20 June 2024 01:30


Mother’s partner says Jay is ‘streetwise’ but could have gone the wrong way

Speaking outside their home in Oswaldtwistle, his mother’s partner Andy Watson told The Sun: “It’s really worrying. It feels like a blur at the moment.

“Jay is very streetwise and he’s no mug but if it’s it was dark and he had no touch on his phone he could have gone the wrong way and become more lost than he was.”

Andy said Jay had disappeared after going to the New Generation Rave (NRG) festival with his friend Lucy and another friend.


He said: “Lucy contacted Debbie to say he’d gone back with two English lads he met at the party to their place for a few beers.

“Apparently, where they are staying is eight hours walking distance from where Jay is staying.”

Athena Stavrou20 June 2024 00:30


British teen missing in Tenerife had cut his leg and didn’t know where he was, friend says

A British teenager who is still missing in Tenerife had “cut his leg on a cactus” and did not know where he was, his friend said.

Lucy Law said 19-year-old Jay Slater, who has been missing since Monday, had rang her to say he “didn’t know where he was”, that he “needed a drink” and had “cut his leg on a cactus”.

He was without food and water, she added, and had been in a T-shirt and shorts. “It’s very warm in the day and very cold at night,” Ms Law told Sky News.

Alexander Butler19 June 2024 23:39


What have his friends and family said?

Jay’s friends and family described his dissapearance as “weird as suspicious” as they raised concerns he may have been taken against his will.

His friend Lucy said her friend “wasn’t stupid” and added: “There’s something weird going on. It is suspicious. In two days you’re telling me someone’s not seen him.

“There’s a restaurant 10 minutes away that he would have seen or walked past. It’s suspicious and it’s weird.”

His mother, Debbie Duncan, flew to Tenerife in Spain’s Canary Islands on Tuesday morning to search for him.

Ms Duncan said she feared her son, who is an apprentice bricklayer, had “been taken against his will”.

She told the PA news agency: “It’s just traumatic and it doesn’t feel real. It’s just awful, it’s horrendous.


“I think he’s been taken against his will with what’s been said, but it’s in the hands of the police.”

She added that the police leading the search had been “very good”.

Athena Stavrou19 June 2024 23:30


Jay Slater: Everything we know about the Briton missing in Tenerife

Almost three days have passed since the missing British teenager Jay Slater was last heard from on the island of Tenerife.

He had gone to stay with two people he had met at the NRG music festival and, having missed the last bus back, embarked on what would have been an 11 hour walk.

The apprentice bricklayer has not been seen or heard from since calling his friend at 8:15am to tell her he was lost, in need of water and that his phone was low on battery.

Authorities are scouring the island’s Rural de Teno park, an area popular with hikers and thought to be his last known location.

From his last known location, the police search and what his loved ones have said – here’s everything we know about Jay Slater:

Athena Stavrou19 June 2024 22:30


GoFundMe release statement

GoFundMe have released a statement after several fundraisers claiming to be for missing teen Jay Slater were set up.

A spokesperson said: “Our hearts go out to Jay Slater, his family and everyone else concerned about his disappearance. All campaigns are under review and no money will be transferred unless we can verify it goes straight to his family.

“At moments like this, we often see people set up campaigns to benefit strangers when they are moved to help. That is why we work with organisers to ensure any money donated goes to the right place.

“GoFundMe has a dedicated Trust & Safety team reviewing all relevant fundraisers. In addition to the team of experts, we deploy proprietary technical tools and have multiple processes in place to verify the identity of organizers and the recipient of the fundraiser.

“Before money is transferred, an individual or organization’s information, including their banking information, must be verified.”

Athena Stavrou19 June 2024 21:45


Jay Slater’s mother described ‘living nightmare’

Jay Slater’s mother has spoken of her ‘living nightmare’ and says she wished she’d told her son not to go to Tenerife.

Speaking to ITV News, Jay’s mum Debbie Duncan, who has flown out to Tenerife, described the ‘absolute nightmare’ she is living through.

“I wouldn’t wish this on anybody. I want my baby back,” she said as she broke down in tears. “It’s a nightmare, an absolute living nightmare.”


Athena Stavrou19 June 2024 21:00

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