John Mulaney, Olivia Munn Spark Marriage Speculation

John Mulaney Olivia Munn Spark Marriage Speculation
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The star has been undergoing grueling treatment ever since, and had a full hysterectomy earlier this year. 


Responding to the top comment, another redditor wrote: “Especially after she was sick. I assume they both assessed where they were at the time and what may happen and just did it with little fanfare.”

“Also for legal reasons for medical decisions and such,” another pointed out. One more agreed: “yeah honestly i think it would be the responsible thing to do given their situation.”


Somebody else wrote: “I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised if they got married after the major traumatic event, you know? It makes you realize your priorities.”


One more user argued: “It’s weirder that he deleted it than it is for them to get married TBH. Like it feels werid to go out of your way to hide that you got married. Sure you can keep in private and not answer anyone asking or whatever but it’s just odd/dramatic (maybe?) to post then delete.”


Neither John nor Olivia have publicly acknowledged the speculation, and BuzzFeed has contacted their representatives for comment. 

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