Jose Maria College resumes enrollment

Jose Maria College resumes enrollment
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The enrollment was suspended after chaos ensued during the service of the arrest warrant against Pastor Apollo Quiboloy, KOJC founder, and his five cohorts in his properties on Monday, June 10. Law enforcers, including the Special Action Force (SAF) and the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) personnel, covered the non-sectarian academic institution of Quiboloy at the KOJC compound in Barangay Buhangin, Davao City in their siege.


“We are pleased to announce that enrollment for Jose Maria College Foundation Inc. (JMCFI) will resume on June 14, 2024, at Waxi’s Fast Food outside the JMCFI building. Following the recent incident on June 10, 2024, JMCFI is now ready to serve our clients. We want to assure parents, guardians, and prospective clients that JMCFI is in full operation and fully compliant with government regulations,” the announcement said.

Meanwhile, the schedule for enrollment is as follows: Monday to Friday – 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Recently, the KOJC said that the procedure for serving the arrest warrant against the pastor and his personal assistants was unlawful and unconstitutional. 


“CCTV footage has shown that the violent dawn attack by hundreds of heavily armed PNP, CIDG and SAF forces on the Kingdom of Jesus Christ compounds in Davao City last Monday, June 10, was illegal and carried out with unnecessary and unrestrained force, completely disproving the PNP’s claims in a press conference today, that their operation was ‘lawful’ and exercised with “maximum tolerance (sic),” the statement said on June 12, referring to the explanation of the Philippine Regional Office-Davao Region (PRO-Davao) during the launching of Davao Peace and Security Press Corps, formerly known as AFP-PNP Press Corps.


However, the PNP insisted that no violations occurred and that they were only doing the mandate being given by the court. DEF

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