Commissioned Miss Universe PH trophies allegedly unpaid for

Commissioned Miss Universe PH trophies allegedly unpaid for
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The local organizers supposedly “vanished into thin air”



The Miss Universe Philippines trophies were allegedly unpaid for. Designer Jef Albea took to social media to share that the local pageant organizers did not properly compensate him for the project they commissioned. 


Albea posted via his Facebook page just last night, Jun. 12. The coronation night took place on May 22.


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Screenshot taken from Jef Albea/Facebook

According to Albea, the organizing body “Vanished into thin air. They refused to pay me for the trophies I designed and crafted for the coronation night. All the effort, dedication and passion I put in creating these pieces, ended up ignored and disregarded when payment was due.”


“I do not need nor will I accept a single centavo from the organization anymore. What I need now is for them to learn that artists deserve respect. We pour our hearts and souls into our creations. Our ideas don’t just appear from thin air just to work for an xdeal. They are the result of intense thought, deep emotions, and sleepless nights. Not to mention, opportunities missed, money and years spent honing our craft,” he added.



Days before the coronation night, Albea took to Instagram to share that he had collaborated with Miss Universe Philippines to design the trophies.

The post read, “I am so proud to design the Miss Universe trophies!” He added, “Crafting dreams into crowns! Miss Universe Philippines’ coronation embodies elegance, grace, and the artistry behind every shimmering trophy.”

Miss Universe Philippines has yet to respond to the allegations.

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